Activities & Events
Working 4 Wellbeing run regular events and get-togethers to promote mental health and reduce feelings of isolation. Many events are free thanks to the support of our grant funders and kind donations from our community.
Regular Events
Talking Cafés
Come for a chat and a cup of coffee, meet people and make new friends, access our Digital Support, and get signposted to local organisations/services who can help you!
Fairford Community Centre
Every Wednesday at 10.30am - 12pm noon
Lechlade Baptist Church
Every Thursday at 10.30am – 12pm noon
Digital Support
One-to-one support with any challenges you face on your phones, tablets, laptops, and computers.
Fairford Community Centre
Every Tuesday at 10am - 11am and Every Wednesday at 10.30am - 12pm noon (during Talking Café)
Lechlade Baptist Church
Every Thurday at 10.30am - 12pm noon (during Talking Café)

Senior Yoga
Peer Movement Class
Meet people and make new friends, follow a YouTube instructor alongside your fellow fitness friends!
Men's Shed
More information can be found on the Men’s Shed website
First Steps
Toddler Group and Family Support Hub
W4W will be present to offer signposting and support as well as once-a-month specialist guest speakers. Toys, Crafts, signing and snacks.
£1 donation per family.
Contact Mary Ann for more details – 07555738138

Upcoming Events
Please check back regularly for details of upcoming events: